XR, LED Volume & In-Camera VFX
LED panels represent a huge advance in cinematic production technology. LED walls open great creative possibilities, and you can even add panels to your installation as your business grows.
When it comes to controlling your LED wall, CJP’s engineers can help design a complete system or work with your existing infrastructure to feed the LED wall and maximize its visual capabilities. We also offer state-of-the-art tracking and augmented reality tools, which are used to convincingly blend the real world and CG world, delivering results far beyond the physical boundaries of the studio.
With in-camera VFX, the creative intent can be continuously seen, tested, approved, and collaborated on in pre-production and production. This saves you money down the road and empowers the director, cinematographer, crew, and actors to work with a virtual environment just as they would in the physical world. It’s completely unlike green screen, where actors must make their best guess about the environment. Even if your CG environment isn’t ready for final delivery, you can create a virtual green screen tracked just to the actors and take advantage of the LED wall’s realistic reflections by still incorporating the sides, ceiling, and/or ground panels for realistic lighting.
Your creative opportunities are endless. You can travel all over the world virtually, and you can save money in your production by finalizing elements of post-production during production.