CJP’s Kieran Phillips Sponsored Head Shave for St Michael’s Hospice

On the 28th April, Kieran Phillips, Sales & Service Executive at CJP Broadcast, live streamed his sponsored head shave to support St Michael’s Hospice in Hereford. Highlights are now available to view below.

“We know how important the services provided by St Michael’s are,” Kieran comments. “They include a wide range of nursing, social and spiritual care for home-based and hospice-based patients, guidance and counselling for families, and practical resources for healthcare professionals. The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced the level of financial support many important charities are receiving at a time when they need that income more than ever. This sponsored head shave is one way in which we can try to offset the impact of the virus. We will also be working in conjunction with Luke Sutton Productions to make a promotional video for St. Michael’s.”

“Organisations such as St Michael’s Hospice that totally rely on donations and fundraising are desperately in need of support to be able to continue their incredible work throughout and beyond this awful crisis,” adds CJP Broadcast’s Managing Director Chris Phillips. “We hope that our small contribution raises awareness of the work these compassionate and caring healthcare professionals provide to people and their families.”

We are delighted to say that in total £2,510 was raised thanks to generous donations from the broadcast community, family and friends.

About St Michael’s Hospice

Back in the heatwave of 1976, Dr Richard Miller was inspired by a visit to St Barnabas Hospice in Worthing to build a similar facility for Herefordshire. He joined forces with like-minded people to undertake the challenge of raising £700,000, turning the concept into reality. Since opening in 1984, St Michael’s Hospice (www.st-michaels-hospice.org.uk) has been providing the highest quality care, free of charge, to the local community. The same community has worked tirelessly to generate the funds needed to make all the care possible.